02 Sep Our Shared Plate: August Community Newsletter!
The second Our Shared Plate Community Newsletter is available now and it’s all about the Old Ardnacassa estate in Longford. If this is the first time you are hearing about the OSP Newsletter, it is a community-driven update developed by the project team and our research partners in Maynooth University Department of Geography. As part of our commitment to keeping you informed and engaged, we will be releasing a series of community newsletter updates.
Our Shared Plate hosted a successful Street Feast in Old Ardnacassa, Longford, where residents came together to share food and ideas, despite rainy weather. The event included a planting workshop, community mapping of local food sources, and a call for volunteers for the Food Diary project. The diary allows participants to anonymously track their weekly food practices, from shopping to waste management. Interested in joining the study? Email Michelle at [email protected]. Other events that have taken place include a planning meeting with horticulturist Dee Sewell and a children’s planting workshop with Aoife Munn.
Read the Old Ardnacassa Neighbourhood Newsletter in full here!